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R.L. Kaushina, N.D. Stepina, V.V. Beliaev, U.I. Hurgin, A.L. Tolstikhina, V.V. Klechkovskaia. Creation and structural investigation of the thin films of the lysozyme. Thesis of the I conference by highly organized compounds, June 1996, pp. 237-238.
Р.Л. Каюшина, Н.Д. Степина, В.В. Беляев, Ю.И. Хургин, А.Л. Толстихина, В.В. Клечковская. Создание и структурное исследование тонких пленок лизоцима. Тезисы I конф. по высокоорганизованным соед., Июнь 1996 г. стр. 237-238.

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A.K. Hripunov, U.G. Baklagina, V.M. Denisov, A.I. Volkov, V.K. Lavrentiev, N.V. Cvetkov, A.V. Sidorovich, N.D. Stepina, V.V. Klechkovskaia, L.G. Ianusova, A.L. Tolstikhina, V.V. Beliaev, L.A. Feygin. Mono- and multimolecular layers from mixed an esters of the cellulose obtained using the triftoracetic acid. Thesis of the I conference by highly organized compounds, June 1996, pp. 332-334.
А.К. Хрипунов, Ю.Г. Баклагина, В.М. Денисов, А.Я. Волков, В.К. Лаврентьев, Н.В. Цветков, А.В. Сидорович, Н.Д. Степина, В.В. Клечковская, Л.Г. Янусова, А.Л. Толстихина, В.В. Беляев, Л.А. Фейгин. Моно- и мультимолекулярные слои из смешанных сложных эфиров целлюлозы, полученных и использованием трифторуксусной кислоты. Тезисы I конф. по высокоорганизованным соед., Июнь 1996 г. стр. 332-334.

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A.L. Tolstikhina, K.L. Sorokina. Structure features of the amorphous films of the oxide titanium depending on in accordance with conditions. Crystallography, 1996, Volume 41, Issue 2, pp.339-347.
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A.A. Bukharaev "Scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy of surface modified by ion and laser beams" Physics-Uspekhi 1996, v.39. N2, P.193-196.

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A.A. Bukharaev, V.M. Janduganov, E.A. Samarsky, N.V. Berdunov. Atomic force microscopy of laser induced sub-micrometer periodic structures on implanted fused silica and silicon. Applied Surface Science 103 (1996) 49-54.

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F. Antolini, S. Paddeu, C. Nicolini. Heat stable Langmuir-Blodgett film of Glutathione-S-Transferase. Langmuir 1995, 11, 2719-2725.

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C. Nicolini, M. Adami, T. Dubrovsky, V. Erokhin, P. Facci, P. Paschkevitsch, M. Sartore. High-sensitivity biosensor based on LB technology and on nanogravimetry. Sensors and Actuators B 24-25 (1995) 121-128.

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S. Dante, M. De Rosa, E. Maccioni, A. Morana, C. Nicolini, F. Rustichelli, V.I. Troitsky, B. Yang. Thermal stability of bipolar lipid Langmuir Blodgett films by X-ray diffraction. Mol. Cryst. liq. Cryst. 1995, Vol. 262, pp. 191-207.

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T.S. Berzina, V.I. Troitsky, O.Ya. Neilands, I.V. Submale, C. Nicolini. Deposition of uniform fullerene films by LB technique. Thin Solid Films, 256 (1995) 186-191.

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V. Erokhin, P. Facci, S. Carrar, C. Nicolini. Observation of room temperature mono-electron phenomena on nanometre-sized CdS partices. J. Phys. D: Apll. Phys. 28 (1995) 2534-2538. Printed in the UK N12.

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T. Dubrovsky, A. Tronin, S. Dubrovskaya, S. Vakula, C. Nicolini. Immunological activity of IgG Langmuir films oriented by protein A sublayer. Sensors and Actuators B 23 (1995) 1-7.

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V.I. Troitsky, T.S. Berzina, Ya.Ya. Katsen, O.Ya. Neilands, C.Nicolini. Conducting Langmuir-Blodgett films of heptadecylcarboxymethyl-BEDT-TTF. Synthetic Metals 74 (1995) 1-6.

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E. Maccioni, P. Mariani, F. Rustichelli, H. Delacroix, V.Troitsky, A. Riccio, A. Gambacorta, M.De Rosa. X-ray diffraction structural analysis of Langmuir-Blodgett films using a pattern recognition approach. Thin Solid Films, 265 (1995) 74-83.

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T.S. Berzina, V.I. Troitsky, S. Vakula, A. Riccio, A. Morana, M. De Rosa, L. Gobbi, F. Rustichelli, V.V. Erokhin, C. Nicolini. Deposition of Langmuir-Blodgett alternating bilayers of valinomycin and chemically modified bipolar lipid from archaea. Materials Science and Engineering: C 3 (1995) 33-38.

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T.S. Berzina, V.I. Troitsky, S. Vakula, A. Riccio, A. Gambacorta, M.De Rosa, L.Gobbi, F. Rustichelli, V.V. Erokhin, C. Nicolini. Langmuir-Blodgett multilayers of native and synthetic glycerol-dialkyl-glycerol tetraether derivatives from archaea. Materials Science and Engineering: C 3 (1995) 23-31.

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T.S. Berzina, V.I. Troitsky, S. Vakula, A. Riccio, A. Morana, M. De Rosa, S. Dante, E. Maccioni, F. Rustichelli, P. Accossato, C. Nicolini. Langmuir-Blodgett films of bipolar lipids from thermophilic archaea. Materials Science and Engineering: C 3 (1995) 13-21.

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A.A. Bukharaev, V.S.Lobkov, V.M. Janduganov, E.A. Samarsky, N.V. Berdunov. Scanning probe microscopy of diffraction gratings induced by lazer radiation. Optics and Spectroscopy. 1995, Vol.79, N3, pp. 417-425.
А.А.Бухараев, В.С.Лобков, В.М.Яндуганов, Е.А.Самарский, Н.В.Бердунов. Сканирующая зондовая микроскопия дифракционных решеток, сформированных лазерных излучением. Оптика и Спектроскопия, 1995, том 79, N3, с.417-425.

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P. Facci, V. Erokhin, A. Tronin, C. Nicolini. Formation of Ultrathin Semiconductor Films by CdS Nanostructure Aggregation. J. Phys. Chem. 1994, 98, 13323-13327.

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P. Facci, V. Erokhin, C. Nicolini. Scanning tunnelling microscopy of a monolayer of reaction centres. Thin Solid Films, 243 (1994) 403-406.

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